Or, How I Lost Eternity
By Jutta Richter
Everyday an eight-year-old girl named Christine walks to school and passes an alley cat. On one particular day, she passes this same old, white alley cat but she discovers it has the gift of speech. Is the cat really talking or can Christine hear inside her own head the “wisdom” of the cat? This book is a bit deep as the cat talks about “watching the cows in the fields can teach you what you need to know about being alive,” math, loneliness and eternity. The cat also revealed to Christine to always look out for yourself which I thought was quite a concept to leave a child contemplating. Christine eventually decides to part ways with the cat and realizes it actually mean and cruel. I think the message of this book will be difficult for some readers and definitely not suggested for youngsters as it has the appearance of a picture/chapter book. This read left me with questions, like who was the cat? Was it Christine’s alter ego? Was the cat her nemesis? I’m not really sure! However, in the end, she starts to make her own decisions about what she believes is right and wrong.
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